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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 6-3-11

(Source image submitted by Sephani Paige, source unknown)

Your challenge for this Friday, 6-3-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 110-118 words. Since everyone seems to be enjoying the required phrases, please use this phrase in your submission:

"...the breaking point..."

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for my take on the challenge and the list of participants, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way. Thanks to Sephani for providing this week's.

 -- PB

Friday, May 27, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 5-27-11: "Eye of the Beholder"

(Source image: "Body Painting" by Saturno Butto)

Elizabeth looked at me calmly, expression unreadable. Victoria continued with her work. Sarah sent me a glance full of mute appeal, helpless naked emotion in her eyes. She was being held down firmly by Victoria, who was swirling intricate designs into her back.

“A very pretty tableau,” I said. I reached between Sarah's legs and my hand came away wet. “We've selected a good one here.”

Sarah closed her eyes and bowed her head, surrendering at last.

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 60-80 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:

"...[[noun]] in her eyes..."

Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

I was nearly undone by this one. When I first selected it it positively sang to me but when it came time to write I was blocked in virtually every direction I tried. Finally, in desperation, I resorted to the same "betrayed by her body" theme I've used in many previous tales; that worked well enough for me to construct a believable scene, but it feels like recycling to me. I'm not very happy with this one, I'm afraid.

Please note that I am no longer collecting the participants list. If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. 

-- PB

Monday, May 23, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 5-27-11

(Source image: "Body Painting" by Saturno Butto)

Your challenge for this Friday, 5-27-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 60-80 words. Since everyone seems to be enjoying the required phrases, please use this phrase in your submission:

"...[[noun]] in her eyes..."

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for my take on the challenge and the list of participants, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

 -- PB

Friday, May 20, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 5-20-11: "Another Day in Paradise"

(Source image: "C.L.U.M.B.A. and Maria in Hong Kong" by Igor Vasiliadis)

The briefcase's click was loud, much louder than it had any right to be. But Maria could barely hear it for the hammering of her heart.

The leader's eyes played over the neat stacks of bills in the case, coldly calculating. He leaned over and spat something in machine-gun Russian to one of his associates, then straightened.

“This is not Cold War era,” he said, sneering. “Russia does not raise fools. You are short by at least fifty thousand.”

The Yakuza boss sitting on the other side of the table raised an eyebrow. Like the Russian, he leaned over and spoke to his associates; as with the Russian, his rapid-fire Japanese was too fast for Maria to follow. Then he shook his head.

“She is not worth it,” he said. He stood, and his men stood with him. “No deal.”

The Russian spat. “I see that Japan does raise fools.”

Bolts clacked as MP5 submachine guns swung up to point at the Russians. More clacks as the Russians drew their own weapons. The threat of bloody apocalypse hung heavy in the air.

Maria's voice, bored, broke the spell. “Oh for God's sake,” she said. “I'll make up the difference myself.” She swung off the table and took the Yakuza's arm. “Let's go.”

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 100-220 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:

"...heavy in the air..."

Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

This is, I think, the first time I've written an FFF that only hints at eroticism and sexuality. If you like, keep looking at the picture so you can see how lovely and sexy Maria is, even half-nude, and keep that picture in your mind while you read. But I was more fascinated by the story behind this one, what sort of intrigue might be going on in this back room of a seedy bar.

No, there's no briefcase on the table (it looks like a tray of poker chips to me, or possibly some other board game), but I saw it in my head as a briefcase full of money. And then I wondered why Maria was the only one who was missing her clothing, so I decided that she was being displayed because one of the sides was selling her to the other one.

Then I did some thinking about how someone being sold into slavery would feel, and suddenly there was the last twist: what if Maria wasn't horrified or terrified or upset by being sold, but gets off on it? So if the deal looked like it wasn't going to go down because the buyers hadn't brought enough, what would she do to make sure it did go through? Why, chip in the remaining amount herself, of course. And then follow her new owner home and submit to his every whim. Because the very idea gets her all shivery and wet with excitement.

Disturbing? Maybe. All I know is that's where my mind went this week. Your mileage may vary.

Also, yes, I know the participants are Chinese, not Japanese (the pic was taken in Hong Kong, after all). I don't care. I made the two sides into Russians and Japanese because that was how I saw the tale in my head.

Please note that I am no longer collecting the participants list. If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. 

-- PB

Monday, May 16, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 5-20-11

(Source image: "C.L.U.M.B.A. and Maria in Hong Kong" by Igor Vasiliadis)

Your challenge for this Friday, 5-20-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 100-220 words. Since everyone seems to be enjoying the required phrases, please use this phrase in your submission:

"...heavy in the air..."

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for my take on the challenge and the list of participants, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

 -- PB

Friday, May 13, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 5-13-11: "Jungle Judy"

(Source image: unknown title, artist: the legendary Hajime Sorayama)

“Well, then,” she said. “Let's see if you're up for this.”

Swiftly, efficiently, she disrobed, her violin curves the promise of untold delights. Yellow eyes blinked at me, intent.

And then she reached down, and unsnapped its collar. I'd taken it for a rug, but it stirred and rolled over, gazing at me no less intently than she had. It yawned.

“This is Shahriman,” she said. “He's very protective of me. If he sees I'm not pleased, he may not react well.”

She stretched, lazily. “So. You'd better please me.”

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 60-99 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:

"...yellow eyes blinked..."

Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

I had this scheduled to post at midnight but with Blogger's downtime apparently scheduled posts didn't go up; nor did it post automatically when Blogger came back up again. Sorry about the delay in getting this up. 

Sorayama is legendary in the pinup world, and for good reason – such gorgeous artwork he brings to us. This one definitely brings out a primal, powerful feel, at least in me. I looked at the feline grace in her stance, and the powerful curve of her body, and wondered how different she really was from the tiger lying at her feet. Then I thought, how would it be if she used the tiger as a threat? Could her lover please her well enough to keep himself in one piece? Maybe a bit farfetched, but I do like taking things to unexpected places sometimes. I hope you enjoyed this one.

Please note that I am no longer collecting the participants list. If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. 

-- PB

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Monogamous Privilege Checklist

I was browsing around a bit today and stumbled upon the checklist below, originally found here. I offer it below without additional comment except to say that it has made me think quite a bit about how much monogamous people take for granted.

Monogamous Privilege Checklist, by Cory Davis
By admin, on April 5th, 2011

For the purposes of this list, I will refer to one’s position on the diagram of monogamy vs. various types of non-monogamy (polyamory, open marriage, swinging, religious polygyny, etc.) as simply “relationship orientation”.

Note that for the purposes of this list, “relationship orientation” does NOT refer to one’s sexual orientation re: the Kinsey scale (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, etc.). Monogamous individuals who are LGBTQ and/or in interracial and/or intergenerational romantic relationships may well be exempt from some (though not all) of these privileges, especially those marked with an asterisk at the end.

Monogamous Privilege Checklist:

1) I can legally marry whomever I wish, with all the legal, medical, and financial benefits of marriage universally recognized for me and my family no matter where I live.*

2) I am not accused of being abused, warped, immoral, unethical, or psychologically confused because of my relationship orientation.

3) No one ever questions the validity of my love because of my relationship orientation.

4) It is not assumed based on my relationship orientation that I or any of my former or current partners has been misled, coerced, manipulated, or used in any way.

5) No one argues that my relationship orientation is impractical, unstable, incompatible with commitment, or otherwise effectively impossible to realize. No one argues that my relationship orientation works better in theory than in practice.

6) It is not assumed that my life must be overly-complicated because of my relationship orientation.

7) No one tries to convert me to their relationship orientation.

8 It is not assumed that I will switch relationship orientations as soon as I find the “right” person.

9) It is not generally understood that I am unfit to raise children because of my relationship orientation.

10) I can feel certain that my government will not suddenly remove my children to a foster home based on my relationship orientation.

11) As a responsible and loving parent, I won’t lose my children in a custody battle because of my relationship orientation.

12) As a responsible and loving adult, I can adopt children without lying about my relationship orientation.

13) I can be certain that my children won’t be harassed because of my relationship orientation.

14) My children are given texts and information at school that validates my family structure – two parents with kids, two sets of grandparents, etc.

15) It is not assumed based on my relationship orientation that my children are/were raised in an unstable environment.

16) No one assumes or speculates based on my relationship orientation that my children experience or ever will experience emotional, psychological, social, or behavioral problems.

17) I do not have to explain my relationship orientation to strangers whenever it comes up.

18) People don’t ask why I made my choice of relationship orientation.

19) People don’t ask why I made my choice to be public about my relationship orientation.

20) I don’t have to defend my relationship orientation.

21) I am not identified, categorized or grouped by my relationship orientation.

22) I am never asked to speak for everyone who shares my relationship orientation.

23) My individual behavior is not thought to reflect on all persons who identify with my relationship orientation.

24) If a romantic relationship of mine ends, no one blames my relationship orientation.

25) I can be sure that all of my roommates, classmates, and coworkers will be comfortable with my relationship orientation.

26) When I talk about my monogamy (such as in a joke or talking about my relationships), I am never accused of pushing my relationship orientation onto others.

27) I do not have to fear revealing my relationship orientation to friends or family. It’s assumed.

28) I do not have to fear that if my family, friends, or professional community find out about my relationship orientation there will be economic, emotional, physical, or psychological consequences for me or for others.

29) I can run for political office without expecting that my relationship orientation will disqualify me.

30) I can depart from most meetings, classes, and conversations without feeling fearful, excluded, isolated, attacked, outnumbered, unheard, held at a distance, stereotyped or feared because of my relationship orientation.

31) I can date whomever I wish, regardless of whether or not they previously identified with my relationship orientation, without fear that my new partner will be shunned by their friends and family due to their choice to embark upon a relationship with someone of my relationship orientation.

32) I am guaranteed to find people of my relationship orientation represented in my workplace.

33) I can be sure that my classes/courses/training will require curricular materials that testify to the existence of people with my relationship orientation.

34) I can easily find a religious community that will not exclude me based on my relationship orientation.

35) I am guaranteed to find sex education literature for people with my relationship orientation.

36) I can count on finding a therapist or doctor who will recognize my relationship orientation as valid, should I seek their services.

37) I can be sure that if I need legal or medical help my relationship orientation will not work against me.
38) Public hand-holding with my love is seen as acceptable and endearing. I can walk in public with my partner and not have people stare or do a double-take.*

39) I can choose not to think politically about my relationship orientation.

40) I can remain oblivious to the language and culture of other relationship orientations (i.e. polyamory, swinging, etc.) without paying any penalty for such obliviousness.

41) Even if I am oblivious about other relationship orientations, my culture affords me the privilege of judging those orientations and being an authoritative source of relationship advice because I am monogamous. This is especially true if I am a therapist, researcher, media darling, or other authority figure.

42) In everyday conversation, the language my friends and I use generally assumes my relationship orientation. For example, “family” meaning monogamous relationships with children.

43) Nobody calls me monogamous with malice.

44) I am not asked to think about why I am monogamous.

45) Society encourages me to marry and celebrates my commitment.*

46) My relationship orientation is commonly represented in music, television, movies, books, magazines, greeting cards, and postcards.

47) Major, mainstream social networking websites such as Facebook allow me to set my relationship status according to my relationship orientation.

48) I can go to relationship and dating events (i.e. singles events, relationship skills workshops) secure in the knowledge that my relationship orientation will be the standard and will be catered to.

49) I never need to change pronouns when describing the events of my life in order to protect my job, my family, or my friendships.*

50) If I’m a teenager, I can enjoy dating, first loves, and all the social approval of learning to love appropriately within my relationship orientation.*

51) If I’m called to work with children or to serve God (in most denominations), I don’t have to lie about my relationship orientation in order to keep my job.

52) I can count on my community of friends, acquaintances, strangers, and various institutions to celebrate my love and my family, mourn my losses, and support my relationships.*

53) It is not assumed merely because of my relationship orientation that I am experienced in sex (or that I even have it at all!).

54) It is not assumed that I am inclined toward my relationship orientation purely for sexual reasons.

55) It is not assumed based on my relationship orientation that I am more likely than average to have STIs.

56) It is not assumed based on my relationship orientation that I am unaware of the risks posed by my sexual behavior.

57) I am not assumed based on my relationship orientation to be sexually indiscriminate.

58) I do not have to deal with the language and culture of my relationship orientation being co-opted, redefined, and demonized by an unfriendly majority which controls the media.

59) No one ever calls my relationship orientation “creepy” or “disturbing”.

60) I can befriend people without them and/or their romantic partners assuming that I am trying to convert them to my relationship orientation.

61) No one takes issue with their children being around me based on my relationship orientation.

62) I can be fairly certain that anyone who is in a committed, romantic relationship with me will also be invited to most parties, weddings, and other social events to which I am invited.*

63) No one makes assumptions about my political views or religious beliefs based on my relationship orientation.

64) No one refers to my relationship orientation by the wrong term or label, either intentionally or inadvertently.

65) I do not have to coin or invent terms to describe my relationship orientation and familial connections to others, because the language describing my relationship orientation already exists and is known throughout the culture.

66) No one ever ridicules or makes jokes about the terminology that people with my relationship orientation commonly use to describe their relationship structures and familial connections.

– Cory Davis

Monday, May 9, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 5-13-11

(Source image: unknown title, artist: the legendary Hajime Sorayama)

Your challenge for this Friday, 5-13-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 60-99 words. Since everyone seems to be enjoying the required phrases, please use this phrase in your submission:

"...yellow eyes blinked..."

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for my take on the challenge and the list of participants, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

 -- PB

Friday, May 6, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday 5-6-11: "Once Upon a Time...."

(Source image: "Bedtime Reading" by Valery Bareta)

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty”. Hmm. Well, I sure as hell haven't got anything better to do tonight, so I might as well give this a shot.

A bit slow to start, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Always wanted to read a hot fairy tale.

Hmm. Intriguing. Interesting concept, at least.

They did what? How awful. This cannot be turning me on. Et tu, nipples? Et tu, cunt? Traitors.

Oh. Oh my. I think I'm glad I wore a nightie to bed and not anything more substantial. Makes for easier access. Mmmmm. Ohhh, that feels good. Mmm, delicious.....fingers.....wetness.....oh yes. Nice slow strokes.

Hell of a situation. Why isn't she running away? I mean, granted, she's a bad girl, but....wait, what? Did I really just SAY that? Am I getting off on her pain?

Ouch. Ohh, yes. Like that. Punish her. Make her beg like the nasty slut she is. Ohhh. Ohhh yesssss. Oh gods, yes. More. Harder.  Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, OHHHH, OHHHHH.........

The book crashed, unheard and unheeded, to the floor.

Your challenge for today was to use the picture above and write a flash fiction of 160-185 words. Additionally, I provided a key phrase I wanted to see used somewhere in the submission:

"...unheard and unheeded..."

Nobody's checking word counts, or for the key phrase, but you're only cheating yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're doing it to earn a spanking (in which case, see me after class).

Special Bonus Director's Commentary Track:

When I was with Melissa, years ago, one of the things we experimented with was reading erotic stories together. It was a fantastic idea and we read a lot of stuff that turned both of us on. One of those, however, was Anne Rice's "Sleeping Beauty" series (The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty; Beauty's Punishment; Beauty's Release), a decidedly adult fairy-tale series with extreme sadomasochism and bondage in it. And some of the stuff in it turned my stomach, mostly because of the humiliation and degradation involved for the characters. I don't mind the idea of S&M, or mixing pain with pleasure -- though it's really not high on my list of fun stuff -- but when the people in the story are being treated like filth, humiliated and tortured and broken, I just don't get how someone can find that erotic. We read only part of the first book before deciding it wasn't doing anything for either of us and changing to something else. I did read the rest of the series eventually, mostly to find out if it got any better, but didn't enjoy the rest of book one or books two and three any more than I had previously.

When I saw this picture, out of nowhere came my memories of those stories, and I knew I wanted to write about her experiences with same. Maybe she liked the pain, the humiliation; maybe she felt a kinship with the Beauty of the tales. Maybe she wanted in her secret heart to be tormented and hurt like the ones in there. It isn't my cup of tea, but the books sold fairly well, so who's to say that someone else might not really get off on those tales? Your mileage may vary. That's part of the fun in relationships, discovering what turns someone else on. How boring it would be if we all liked the same things, eh? 

Please note that I am no longer collecting the participants list. If you are playing along this week, please leave your link below using the widget. It will appear in the text of the post itself, not in the comments, so everyone that's playing will be listed here. This frees me from having to chase people down to find out if they're playing or update the Friday post several times for late entries. Your cooperation is appreciated.

In any case, the participants list is below. Go check them out, and thanks to all who played along.

Check back here on Monday for the next challenge! And if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see in a future challenge, please send them my way. 

-- PB

Monday, May 2, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday Challenge for 5-8-11

(Source image: "Bedtime Reading" by Valery Bareta)

Your challenge for this Friday, 5-8-11, is to use the picture above to write a flash fiction of 160-185 words. Since everyone seems to be enjoying the required phrases, please use this phrase in your submission:

"...unheard and unheeded..."

As usual, nobody's checking word counts, or the key phrase, but you only cheat yourself if you break the rules. Unless you're breaking them to earn a which case, see me after class.

My take on this pic will go up by 12:01 AM on Friday morning. If you are participating this week (and the more the merrier), simply stop by any time after that and leave your link using the widget in the body of the post. Then everybody will know you're playing along and they'll come leave nice comments on your entry. Everyone wins!

Here's a button for you if you want to include that in your post. Use it to link back to the challenge post, if you like, or link to the Flash Fiction Friday FAQ if you'd rather do that. That Flash Fiction Friday FAQ is also the link you should visit if you're new to the whole FFF thing and have questions. I want everybody to enjoy this, after all.

Check back here on Friday for my take on the challenge and the list of participants, and then again on Monday for the next FFF challenge! And as always, if you have any photos or artwork you'd like to see used in an upcoming week, send them my way.

 -- PB